AIM Easter Egg Hunt
At AIM Adoptions, we understand the emotional journey of birth mothers. Our Texas-based adoption agency is proud to share the inspiring stories of birth mothers like Bailey, Margie, and Frances. We believe their experiences can provide comfort, hope, and guidance to others in similar situations. Feel free to turn to us to learn more about these incredible journeys.
Hello, My name is Bailey. I am a faithful daughter of Jesus Christ, a blessed birth mom who is a part of this beautiful agency god put together, called AIM Adoptions. I am here today to share a little bit of my story, and to let you all know that God has brought me through addiction, abandonment, and depression. God has been teaching me my self-worth, value and that through His love, grace, and, mercy I am found, and I am saved!
I found out I was pregnant about a week after I got arrested and put into a cell. I feel like at this time God was trying to speak to me and sit me down. When I found out I was pregnant, I was excited because I’d always wanted children. But the situation I was in being incarcerated really depressed me.
I knew I was not going to be able to care for my child. I had absolutely nothing to offer her, and that truly hurt me the most. Also this time around getting into legal trouble, I was fixing to have to do a year max so I was not going to be out by the time my baby was born into this world. I had many sleepless nights. Morning sickness came in the morning evening and night. I could not hold ANY FOOD down. But my baby stuck it out with me.
That’s how I knew deep down God had bigger plans for her. She Is an angel in disguise. Because of her I sat down and was able to analyze my life admitting deep down I needed help and that I wanted to remain sober after I got released from prison for her and for myself.
I began praying every night asking God that He reveal to me and guide me on the next step. I had no family she could go to and the father was not an option because he was not sober. She deserved so much better. I always thought she deserved life. God kept putting it on my heart about a big sister for Laila. I ended up getting close to a girl who was in a similar situation, and she shared with me that she was going to do an adoption and the agency she is going with is only open adoption. She expressed that she was excited about that.
She explained to me open adoption is where I would get occasional visits and pictures and letters. I teared up because I felt like God answered a prayer that I was so worried about. I wanted what was in my baby’s best interest. I ended up telling her I was interested and she told me the lady’s name was Denise Sowders and that she would let Denise know I was interested in a family on her next phone call to her.
I met Denise on my 32nd week of pregnancy. As soon as she found out I was interested, she visited me. She told me about the agency, that they were a Christian agency, and she showed me a couple of families. There was a family I saw with a big sister for Laila and God immediately said “them."
As soon as I read their family book I thought they were the perfect family from God for Laila. Denise has been amazingly supportive. Denise notified the family that I picked them and they were very excited. They picked up Laila shortly after she arrived in this world. I found out literally 3 weeks after I had baby Laila that I was getting released from prison by the grace of God.
Denise found me a faith-based recovery home to go to so I can maintain my sober life and Christian walk with the Lord and let him heal my hurts, habits, and hang-ups. I want to express God has blessed me with some amazing ladies to help me with life’s most hurtful and toughest challenges. And to encourage me that I have hope and a future. I have an amazing support system with Denise, the adoptive family, and little Laila. I love everything about AIM Adoptions - their support, love, unity, and grace have been a life-changing experience for me and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Ephesians 1:1:5 (He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will). God bless you all and thank you for letting me share.
I remember when I found out I was pregnant. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and didn’t know what to do. I already had 2 children who lived with their father. I remember thinking of all my options. When I went to the clinic to find out if I was pregnant, they gave me lots of literature. I made an appointment to have an abortion, but couldn’t do it. I thought that there must be a family out there looking to adopt. I called adoption agencies. I called 3 and was very frustrated. They told me that they would have someone call me. But no one did. Then the last agency I called was Gulf Coast Placement Agency, now known as AIM.
Jan Deets spoke to me on the phone for over an hour. She put me on hold several times but she didn’t let me go until my questions were answered. Then she made an appointment for me to go to the doctor. She came from Pasadena to pick me up and take me. From that point on, I knew that this was the agency to place my baby with. They not only were there for medical care but also for emotional care. When you are pregnant and don’t know what to do, having them was the best thing I needed. I began to think of them as family because that was how they treated me. They also had 1-on-1 counseling and group counseling once a week, whatever fit you best. I lived with Anne for the last few months. I remember Ron going out for watermelon and Butterfingers when I had a craving. Thanks, Ron!!
I went into labor on Father’s Day. I thought that would be a great Father’s Day gift. I went to the birthing center, I stayed overnight. Anne stayed with me. The next morning the doctor came in and said it will probably be after lunch before I delivered, I them told no way and that I would have this baby this morning cause I was watching "All My Children" at noon.
And I did, she was born at 9:30 in the morning. Anne and Jan were both there. My new family. Then others started coming in to see her. They said she was big and made bets on how much she weighed. She weighed 10 lbs, 4 oz. That evening, Anne’s kids saw me. I told you that they were family. The kids admired my little wonder.
They brought me several bios for prospective families for this little wonder. After reading several of them, I came across one that stuck with me. They didn’t care what they got, they just wanted a baby to love. Their names were Jack and Carol. I knew they were the ones to love my baby and make a family. I wasn’t going to meet them, but the next morning while dressing, I asked Anne if it was too late to meet them. She said no and arranged it. Then we went to Anne’s to wait for Jack and Carol. I was so nervous. I then placed their little girl Alyson Leigh in Carol’s arms. Carol was crying and smiling so big. I can remember that day like it was yesterday. We sat and talked and shared pictures.
Then it was time to for this new family to leave. Jack hugged me so tight and so long I thought he was going to squeeze me right through him. Carol had to tell him, remember she just had a baby. I chose to place Alyson as soon as possible because the first 3 days is the bonding period. Alyson was only 24 hours old. And off they went to begin their family. We exchanged letters and pictures throughout the next 18 years. I got to see Alyson Leigh grow up.
Now the rest of the story - In December I went to the AIM Adoptions Christmas party. Jan told me that Alyson was wanting contact. My heart must have stopped beating. I couldn’t breathe. I was so excited. I went the office on Monday and Jan called Carol later that day. Carol wrote a letter that day with some pictures. Then I got a letter from Alyson or Leigh as she goes by now.
I have called her Alyson all her life that at first it was strange but I got used to it. Then I got the letter with her address and phone number in it. At first I didn’t see it I was so excited then a really good friend of mine at work had read it and she said oh she sent you her address and phone number. I said where and she showed me. I called Leigh that night and talked for almost 3 hours. We asked each other lots of questions. She asked me why I placed her for adoption, I explained the reason and she said she understood. I always thought she would hate me, but she never did. We didn’t want to hang up. I couldn’t get to sleep for hours after that call. We continued to talk everyday and email each other.
I made plans to go to Birmingham to meet her. I was nervous and scared but she made it so easy. I have loved her since the day I found out I was pregnant. We spent a whole week together. I stayed with Leigh and Brooklyn at Leigh’s house. She picked me up at the airport. We shared pictures and talked late into the evening. The second night I was there we went to Carol’s, her mothers house. She made us dinner and they bought me a cake that said "We love you Margie."
We took some more pictures and Carol showed me pictures. We took lots of pictures. I am also a grandma, she has a beautiful little girl named Brooklyn. Leigh showed me all over Birmingham. She introduced me to everyone that she knew. I was surprised everyone knew about me, I don’t know why I was, but I was. Everyone was so nice to me and they really cared about Leigh. Of course, we took more pictures. I couldn’t get enough. We made plans for her to come visit next summer. That when it was time to go, I didn’t want to go. Leigh and Brooklyn took me to the airport, I cried I didn’t want to go but I knew I had to get home. Yes, we took some more pictures. I am a picture kind of person.
I am looking forward to getting to know Leigh more. She wants Jonathon her brother, my youngest son to come and spend some time over the summer. Jonathon is looking forward to it. Spending as much time with her and her family is important to the both of us. I have never and never will regret my decision to place Leigh for adoption. When people ask me how could I have just given her up, I tell them proudly, I didn’t just give her up. I didn’t use words like give up or not want, I used words like placing and planning. You see we don’t give up our babies we make plans for their lives. We place our babies with families we pick.
Hello my name is Frances, and about 13 years ago I placed my daughter for adoption. I want to share my experiences that others can understand that my decision was painful at first, yet overall rewarding, life-changing choice for myself and my daughter.
Before I start I want to let you know a little about my life leading up to Cana’s birth. When I was 4 1/2 years I too was adopted after 2 years of temporary “families,” I found mine! I have always felt safe and loved in my family, even when I rebelled and yelled mean things…you know, when I was a teenager. So adoption had always meant love to me.
When I was 19, I had a beautiful baby girl that I tried to parent for six months. And even though I thought I was doing things right, I really knew I wasn’t. And so, as much as I wanted to keep my baby, I looked into other options for her. I talked to several different agencies and went through steps to see if I could truly handle not keeping my baby. You would think at 19 you could do anything! But this was the hardest thing I had ever had to face. I won’t say I didn’t keep changing my mind, because I did. Don’t get me wrong, I had amazing support from my parents and family.
But in the end I knew that adoption was the best choice for both my daughter and me. So when I decided to finally go through with the placement my family and the staff of AIM was so very helpful. It helped that they treated me like family. Still to this day I feel like I am part of the AIM family when I go to the AIM birth mother’s Christmas party. The staff at AIM helped me in so many ways. They helped me to find the right family for me and my daughter. They helped me to cope with the hurt, and the emotions I encountered during the grieving period. They helped me to know that grieving was a normal experience and that I had a right to grieve for my daughter even though I felt adoption was the best thing for her.
I will say that having an open adoption was the best choice for me. The family, who adopted my daughter, basically added me to their extended family. Even though they are the ones raising Cana, they share her life with me. We write, talk on the phone, talk online, and they even make trips here to Texas for visit’s since they still have family in Houston. They have been open and honest and sharing with me since the very beginning and I know that I am blessed to have them in my life.
I will not tell you that this has been easy, because it was not! And you may think that you could never deal or get past the empty feeling…. But you do! And yes in time it gets easier. Like I said in the beginning it’s been 13 years since I placed my daughter. And through the years I see how this choice has changed my life for the better. I am able to now see that yes she was the miracle that changed my life in so many ways that I would have never been able to imagine. Because of her I changed my way of living at that time. And because of her I was able to experience the joy of seeing two wonderful people who desperately wanted a child of their own. They need a child to love unconditionally…. and they do. I have been blessed and I continue to enjoy and receive new blessings from that decision so many years ago.
AIM Adoptions is more than just an adoption agency. We're a locally operated non-profit agency that truly cares about our community. Here's what sets us apart:
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